Black Dog Brewing Company


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Welcome Home!

Our brewhouse assembly finally arrived this past Friday and I can’t even begin to tell you how relieved I am to have it home.  Obviously, it’s the central element to our brewery and to have it sitting 900 miles away was no bueno, especially considering we bought it back in May.  So, when the truck rolled in Friday morning, they couldn’t unload it fast enough.  Or so I thought.  As the olsaying goes, be careful what you wish for.

As the guys from Underwood Machine Movers were sizing up the load and making plans, they called me over with a very concerned look – the kind of look you don’t want to see from the guys getting ready to unload your very expensive baby.  Essentially, they assumed everything would be on pallets and had just brought a forklift.  

The issue?  

Nothing was on pallets.

If you’ve ever had large machinery carted around the country and loaded/unloaded, then you know it’s not cheap.  Every minute we stood around trying to figure out next steps was costing us money.  In the end, they decided they could get everything unloaded with the forklift since the equipment was light.  Thankfully, they did an exceptional job, although there were a few moments that Shawn and I had to walk away because we couldn’t watch.  After about three hours, the equipment was safely resting in the “brew room.”  

We posted the pictures on social media and had a few questions as to why we left the equipment on it’s side.  The answer being is that we’re not quite finished moving everything around just yet.  The brewery floor needs a special coating that protects the cement from the caustic cleaners used to sanitize the stainless steel after brewing.  That involves some diamond plate sanding and a few guys that know what they’re doing.  Until that is finished, the equipment will likely stay on it’s side.  We also have to work out the final location of the brewhouse in relation to the fermenters, the grist mill, brite tanks, walk-in cooler, etc.  Luckily our smart-ass architect has been working hard at placing the equipment and you can see the rendering he forwarded me after seeing the pictures.

Seriously though, we’re lucky enough to be working with an architect who has quite a bit of experience with craft breweries and completely understands our vision.  For those of you who plan on attending our invite only beer tasting and building walk through for investors/potential investors, you’ll get a first hand look at the blue prints as well as see renderings that will show our vision for the taproom.  If you haven’t requested an invite yet, we have limited space and it’s filling up fast.  You can still request an invite by dropping me a line at

Just to whet your appetite, here’s an unfinished glimpse at what’s in store for the oustide of the brewery.  Needless to say, we’re pretty excited as things are beginning to shape up and getting our brewhouse on site was a big piece of that puzzle.  For now, it’s back to the rat race of chasing down permits and insurance.  Cheers! 




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In Our Blood

When we started the Black Dog Brewing Company journey, it was a very logical decision.  We’ve been successful as small business investors, I’ve had the opportunity to learn from 20 years in the beer business, and both Tiffany and I successfully ran a small business in the past.  Add all of that up, throw in a healthy dose of passion for craft beer, and building a brewery was a very logical next step.  I should also mention, once you’ve had a taste of entrepreneurship, that desire never goes away.  It wasn’t until we got several months into the journey that we came across some history that took Black Dog Brewing Company from “logical next step” to “carrying on a family tradition.”

Now, I’m going to try and go light on the geneaology here but I need to bring you up to speed so bare with me.  In the early 1800’s, my Great, Great, Great Grandfather, Frederick Kuntz, came to the U.S. from Dreisbach, Germany.  About an hour south of Dreisbach is a town called Wiesbaden, where some of his cousins lived.  Those cousins also immigrated to North America in the mid 1800’s but wound up in Ontario, Canada. Fast forward a few years and it’s there in Waterloo, Ontario that brothers David and Jacob Kuntz, Frederick’s cousins, set up the Kuntz Brewery.         

The story goes that over the course of several years, David and Jacob built the brewery by hand, brick by brick.  David, having experience as a cooper, even made the barrels.  By WWI, Kuntz Brewery was selling 90,000 bbl’s of beer a year.  For us math majors, that’s well over 2.5 million gallons.  Unfortunately, the brewery only stayed in Kuntz hands for a couple of generations and was ultimately sold in 1930 to Canadian Breweries, LTD.  The Brookston Beer Bulletin did a great article on the brewery which you can check out right here.  

While David and Jacob Kuntz would be considered very distant relatives to Frederick’s descendants (me), I find that same passion for great beer, entrepreneurship, and good old fashioned blue collar work ethic is alive and well in the Kuntz blood.  Black Dog Brewing Company is the culmination of those things and now you see why it’s more than just another craft brewery.  It not only reaches back into the history of the great German “beer migration” to North America with family ties and culture, but as a craft brewery, encompasses that same pioneering spirit that drove David and Jacob.  We’re proud to be carrying on the family tradition and raising the Kuntz banner once again as we launch Black Dog Brewing Company.

Authors note:  I should also mention that while my Great, Great, Great Grandfather was not a brewer, my Dad told me there’s a very special sauerkraut recipe that’s been passed down over the years.  I have a feeling we’re going to have one hell of an Oktoberfest once Black Dog Brewing Company opens its doors!   

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The Brew Master

I’ve had a number of people ask me why I wasn’t going to do the brewing for Black Dog Brewing Company.  I usually explain it this way:  the difference between a home brewer and an actual professional brew master is the difference between painting the walls in your bedroom and painting a still life on canvas with oil; the two don’t necessarily equate.  That’s why when we started the brewery, we knew we needed an artist – someone who could consistently brew amazing beer.  We also knew it was important to get our brew master as soon as possible in order to advise on critical equipment purchases, consult on brewery build out, and essentially put together all the processes it takes to get the beer from the grain into your glass.  Taking all of this into account, we opened the head brewer position at the end of June and as with most things in business, timing is everything.

It just so happened that we started looking for a brew master while a very experienced individual (with family roots right here in Mooresville, I might add) was continuing his search for the perfect opportunity.  After a few phone conversations, meetings, and interviews, it was abundantly clear that we had found our brew master.  Along with his experience, his immediate grasp of our vision and plans made this individual stand out among the field – not to mention his list of accolades that include award winning beers on both the state and national levels.

I’m very happy to announce that as of last week, Shawn Byrnes accepted the role as Black Dog Brewing Company’s Brew Master.  Over Shawn’s 13 year career, he’s made stops at Upland Brewing Company, Lexington Avenue Brewery in Asheville, North Carolina, Fountain Square Brewery, the Ram Restaurant and Brewery, and now Black Dog Brewing Company.  We couldn’t be more excited for Shawn to take the reigns as Brew Master where he will help us realize our vision of becoming an 18,000 BBL production brewery and produce amazing, award winning beers!

As mentioned previously, we will be hosting an ‘invite only’ beer tasting event in late September (dates and times TBA) for investors, potential investors, and other key people, in which Shawn will be handcrafting some of the beers that will become the hallmark of Black Dog Brewing Company.  So if you’ve thought about investing or being a part of a brewery, here’s your chance to not only sample some great beer and talk to our new Brew Master, but we’ll also be providing information on our vision and investment options.  We have very limited room so if you’re interested, you’d better drop us a line at and reserve your spot!

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The Search

Much of our work over the last six months has been behind the scenes and not very “sexy” as far as breweries go.  In an industry as highly regulated as the beer industry, you can imagine the process – meetings, paperwork, and more meetings.  But now, that methodical march through the minutia of business preparation has finally brought us to a couple of critical way points.  

First, if you follow us on social media, you know that we officially opened the head brewer position a couple of weeks ago.  We posted the opening on the Brewers of Indiana Guild website and and the response has been overwhelming.  Turns out, people are dying to get to Mooresville, Indiana! 

It’s the home of the state flag, people. 

In all seriousness, when the candidates are taking a look at the Black Dog Brewing Company opportunity, there’s a lot to love, especially once we’ve taken them through our business plan and vision.  That being said, the talent level and experience many of these brewers possess is amazing.  As a beer lover, it’s hard not to “geek out” when I’m supposed to be interviewing.  Don’t worry though, even between sips of the brewer’s finest brews and discussions on European beer trends, we’re still looking to find that perfect fit for Black Dog Brewing Company.  The head brewer not only creates recipes, he/she also manages production schedules, yeast propagation, orders ingredients, handles staff (and sometimes consumer) education, and generally has a hand in everything.  That’s why finding the right person is a critical step for us.  Although we have quite a few interviews to get through, we’re hoping to have our head brewer position filled in the next month or so.

The other critical way point is location.  Now this is something we’ve been working on since day one and finding a suitable location in Mooresville has been a lot more difficult than I imagined.  Our first target was an old single screen movie theater in the heart of the retail district.  With proximity to a number of restaurants and visibility from the “main drag” it was a pretty solid location.  

The problem? The building was about to fall down and unfortunately the property group that owned the building didn’t want to repair it. 

So we were back looking elsewhere.  

After some offers from a neighboring city, meetings with the county, calls to the town council, knocking on doors, and here’s the brilliant part – having a number of great people from the Mooresville community go out of their way to help us search for a location, we finally came across a spot that we can call home.  It is my great pleasure to announce our future new address as 11230 N State Road 67, Mooresville, Indiana.  Those of you familiar with Mooresville will recognize that address as just south of Gray’s Cafeteria on IN-67, just passed the TOA plant.  Currently it’s home to H&R Contracting but soon we’ll begin renovating and getting it ready to brew beer and seat a couple hundred of our closest friends!                        

The building itself is a natural fit for a brewery; having been an airplane hangar and then a bowling alley, there’s a ton of open space.  It’s location also allows for expansion, which for those of you that have seen the business plan, we’ll definitely need the space.  

We’ll continue to release some pictures of the renovation process, including our architect’s renderings and floor plans so make sure you follows us on social media and stay tuned!

Finally, don’t forget that Thursday, August 4th is national IPA day!  If you’re lucky enough to live close to yours personally, we’ll be celebrating with a delicious batch of Shelby Dog IPA, which I’m getting ready to put in the keg.  Otherwise, you’ll have to search for something else to tease your taste buds.  If you’re an IPA veteran, I’ll challenge you to find a red or black IPA, which is an altogether different experience.  I’m also really digging Scarlet Lane’s Eirik Bloodaxe, right now so give that a try.  It’s a an IPA made with blood orange and honey flavors and should make even the most critical IPA enthusiasts happy.  Also, if you haven’t read Scarlet Lane’s story, you should check out their webpage.   

Happy IPA Day!

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Workin’ it

I am truly blown away at the ground swell of support that we’ve received from the community.  When we did our initial demographics study of Mooresville, we knew that it would support a craft brewery, but to have the validation from so many phone calls, emails, and Facebook followers is amazing.  Seriously, if you want to feel like a rock star, go to a chamber of commerce meeting and tell them you’re building a craft brewery.  At the very least you’ll make a lot of new friends.  

To say that we’re creating a buzz would be understating what’s happened over the last few months.  From meetings with the Mooresville Redevelopment  Commission to calls from neighboring cities interested in becoming our new home, Black Dog Brewing Company is finding it’s way into the heart of Morgan County.  I know we’ve been hinting at announcing our official location but we’re not quite there just yet.  As marketer and business guy, I can’t begin to explain how important it is that we get our building right.  Aside from making sure we make sound “back of the house” business decisions from a lease stand point, the building itself will be one of the biggest assets to our branding.  It’s worth the agony of waiting up front to make sure Black Dog Brewing Company is set up for success from the get-go.  That being said, the Morgan County Economic Development Corporation is working with us directly to ensure our success.  The excitement continues to build!

So now, let’s talk beer.

If you follow us on social media, thanks to Daniel Hensley, Brew Bus driver extraordinaire, you know that we’re brewing up an Irish Red.  Now, I know that’s not the sexy pick right now, as everyone’s brewing East Coast style IPA’s or a fruity take on Berliner Weiss, but there is a reason I chose an Irish Red for our next brew.  

Our commitment with Black Dog Brewing Company is to give you a better craft beer experience.  More oft than not, that experience usually includes food.  This is where I usually go into a tirade of how the wine people have pulled the wool over our eyes, making us think that wine is the apex of food pairings.  I’ll spare you from the full disposition but suffice it to say, beer is king when it comes to food pairing.  When it comes to summer barbecue favorites like hamburgers, hotdogs, and any other savory meat, Irish Red is the king of kings, as far as I’m concerned.  The light malty-sweet palette of an Irish Red paired with a hamburger and carmelized onions is a match made in heaven.  The malty palette of the beer is followed by a crisp clean finish that’ll stand up to just about any condiment.  Even you sacrilegious few who like ketchup on your hotdogs can’t sidetrack this pairing.      

The bad news is, we finished brewing last night around 6 PM and now we’ve got about 30 days before this beauty is ready.  So, to keep you occupied, I highly recommend searching out Smithwick’s (prounounced Smitticks).  It’s made by Guinness and is the single best example of this style.  Also, it was one of the original Irish Red styles, first brewed by John Smithwick in 1710.  The more you know! 

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Almost there!

A few people have asked me what starting a brewery is like.  After the last few months, I can tell you it’s sort of like trying to run a marathon but you have to run behind those people at the mall who are grouped six wide and aren’t in a hurry.  So for a guy like me who tends to be very driven, it’s excruciatingly difficult waiting on other people.  I think it’s slowly turning me into George Castanza.  SERENITY NOW!  The good news is, we’re close to being able to sprint!     

I just received the first iteration of the lease yesterday and while we still have to negotiate some finer details, it feels good to finally have the bulk of that paperwork together.  Of course, we need our attorney to look it over, but the building lease is definitely our biggest hurdle right now.  Once the lease is signed, it clears the path for us to begin work in earnest. 

In other news, after some conversation with Tiffany, we ended up hiring a company called Local Stake as a start up consultant and platform for our equity raise.  They’re a local Hoosier company that has helped a number of small businesses (including more than 25 breweries) open their doors.  So far, they’ve vetted our business plan (financial targets) and are working on an online portal that will allow us to offer company shares to more than 11,000 investors.  Additionally, for those of you that felt the $15,000 single share price tag was a little out of reach, working with Local Stake will allow us to offer half shares for $7,500.  More to come on that once our online portal goes live, but if you have questions, feel free to reach out.

Finally, our second run of ‘My Girl’ Blonde Ale will finish bottle conditioning this Friday.  Then it goes in the fridge for a quick cool down and then, sample time!  Our next scheduled brew date is June 3rd where we’ll be working on a batch of Shelby Dog IPA.  Also, for those of you looking for a little adventure in your craft beer lives, if you have not been to Deviate Brewing (96th and Michigan), do yourself a favor and go there right now.  The owner, Mike Orkey, is an amazing individual who is super passionate about beer.  While there this past weekend, he let us try his newest creation right out of the brite tank.  It was a “milk-shake” pineapple-java, white stout that literally blew my mind.  It made me re-think everything I know about beer – and I am a 20 year beer industry vet.  It will release a week from this Saturday for one time only.  DO NOT MISS THIS BEER!


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New Equipment bound for Mooresville!

As many of you know, we headed down to the recent Tow Yard auction to see what we could piece together.  I’m guessing that because it was downtown Indy, but for whatever reason, the prices at the auction were a little salty.  Especially considering the shape that some of the equipment was in.  We had originally hoped to get our hands on the brewhouse but after a little more inspection, the brewhouse itself was not a good fit for Black Dog Brewing Company.  However, we were able to walk-out with a walk-in….see what I did there?  The beautiful thing is, we got a pretty great price on the cooler and it included all the keg rigging (regulators, gas lines, etc).  Oh and we somehow managed to keep the glycol unit that was tucked away on top of the cooler.


We’re not overly excited with all the stickers but once we have it in the tap room, the cooler will be framed out with wood so you won’t see the artistic sticker collection.

I guess we should also mention we got an industrial meat slicer too.  Why, you ask?  Well…because…meat.  I think anytime you can add an industrial meat slicer to your repertoire, you better damn-well do so.  Actually, it’s for the brew boards.  This thing will make short work of salami!

So without getting a brewhouse (or any brewing equipment for that matter) at the Tow Yard auction, we turned our attention to Texas where the Whistle Post Brewery announced a fire sale.  I made my way down there this past weekend and sweet six pound, seven ounce baby Jesus!  If there was a heaven for brewers, I found it in the Whistle Post Brewing equipment.  As soon as I laid eyes on it, I knew it’s home was in Mooresville, Indiana.  A little bit of negotiation followed by a quick handshake, and this beast is headed home.  

We’re still working out the logistics but it should arrive here in the next couple of weeks.  And don’t worry, we know you want to touch it.  I’ll be happy to take you on a private tour as well as a walk through of the brewing process once it comes in.  I hope you’re ready to stand in line!

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The Igloo
at Black Dog Brewing Company

Available Beginning the Week of December 17th!

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