Black Dog Brewing Company

Symphony of Construction

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Symphony of Construction

We’ve come quite a ways since our last update.  In fact, this past month has seen a ton of action going on in the brewery – you might say it’s been a Symphony of Construction!  Get it?  Symphony of Destruction…Megadeth… song/album from the early 90’s?  Right.  So anyway, like I was saying, we have our floor drains in, the firewall is almost finished, the floors are scheduled, and our big glass garage doors are soon to be installed.  We’ve also finished the amazing El Dorado Room, our epic conference and party room (and hosted two meetings already), as well as given countless tours.  Chef Chris has been dialing in the menu and lining up food permits while Shawn has been working on hop contracts and production schedules.  Oh, and our first shipment of tap handles and growlers came in earlier this week! 

Can I get a “hell yeah!”

So, what’s left?  Well, with any luck, we should be moving our brewing equipment and tanks into place beginning that first week of December.  In the meantime, we have our friends over at SCIREMC working on getting us “UNLIMITED POWER!!!” (which has turned into a bit more of a job than we anticipated), and we’ll have to get our boiler, water treatment, and glycol systems assembled.  There’s still quite a bit of work, but it’s moving quickly.  But rest assured, we’ve got beer on our minds and soon we’ll be raising a pint and toasting a finished brewery.  In the meantime, let me share with you some of the cool things we’ve been working on.

As many of you know, we have an open investment party scheduled at the brewery on December 7th.  This is an exclusive event for people who would like to find out more about owning a piece of the brewery and it’s a chance for us to show off our progress (the tanks will be in place for this one!), sample some of our planned menu, and of course, sample the small batch beers we’ve been working on.  For this event in particular, we’ll be sampling the “Stout Route,” which I think could be an award winning American Stout brewed with cacao nibs, as well as a very special beer that will be the winter seasonal for our limited Flagtown Series.  I’m keeping this one close to the vest and only our attendees will get to see it, but we just pulled some samples out of the fermenter today and holy balls!   Speaking of balls – those meatballs we shared out a few weeks ago via social media will be making an appearance as well!  In order to get in to the event, you must RSVP to the evite at this link.  

For those that have been around Mooresville for awhile, you’ll recall that our building is the old Mooresville bowling alley.  That’s cool for a number of reasons, not to mention that beer and bowling go together like mac and cheese.  Unfortunately, everything and anything that had to do with bowling was long gone when we got the building.  Being the nostalgic types, we really wanted to preserve that history somehow and give a nod to those old glory days of weekly bowling leagues, popcorn, and ugly shoes.  Well, we finally got our hands on some old bowling lanes and we have something really cool planned for the wood.  But I don’t want to give too much away just yet because we haven’t finished the project.  Just stay tuned to our social media and I should be able to share some pictures in the next week or so.  By the way, based on our recent experience, 9 feet of bowling lane weighs approximately 700,000 lbs.

You also might like to know that our Mug Club preorder closes at the end of November.  I’ve got to tell you, I knew these mugs were cool when we ordered them but now that we have them, they are beyond cool!  We had the chance to “test drive” them earlier today and I could tell that not only did my beer taste even better, my social status was instantly increased.  Seriously, I now speak with a sophisticated English accent and play polo.  Okay…for real though, they are incredibly cool, come with a load of benefits, and you’ve got about a week and half left.  Better get on it.

That’s it for now but there’s so much going on at the brewery, I can’t possibly squeeze it into a single post.  We’ll be updating our social media regularly with progress so if you want to stay “in the know,” click on those links down there and follow us if you’re not doing so already.

We hope you have a very warm and happy Thanksgiving!  Cheers!     

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4 comments on “Symphony of Construction

  1. Hi! When will you be hiring staff? I am interested in office/clerical and hostess/server. Looking forward to Black Dog Brewing Company opening its doors!

    • Hi Lisa. We’re not quite there yet but here in the next month or so, we’ll have our “jobs” page go live on the website. All of our openings will be posted there and you can apply online. So stay tuned to the website and once it goes live, we’ll share it out via social media.

  2. Looking forward to viewing you “jobs” postings as I sent a message a while back expressing my interest in employment with your exciting upstart.

    I am an experienced and licensed bartender. I am a home brewer with decades of successful batches of great beer and wine.

    I hope you with give me the opportunity to present myself for consideration.

    • Hi Steve – We’ll be adding job postings on the website here in a month or so. Once the page goes live, you’ll be able to submit your resume for the available postings. Thanks for checking in with us!

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The Igloo
at Black Dog Brewing Company

Available Beginning the Week of December 17th!

you look so young!

are you over 21?